Children Airway Issues Need Early Detection and Treatment |
Children airway issues play a huge role in the facial and physical development of children; and they can cause problems well into adulthood. In milder forms, they compromise quality of life. In more severe forms, like sleep apnea, it can cause worse symptoms. The body's cells use oxygen to generate energy. A reduced or distorted airway means reduction of oxygen intake, thereby prohibiting this vital process.
Airway obstruction is caused by a number of reasons such as: allergies, abnormal development of the jaws, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, oversized adenoids and improper posture.
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Children's Airway Issues - Early Childhood and Adolescents
Airway obstruction in children can lead to bite issues, mouth breathing, teeth grinding, teeth clenching, snoring, headaches/migraines, earaches, tinnitus (ringing in ears), vertigo, blurred vision, TMJ pain, chronic allergies, dry-mouth, lips chronically apart, asymmetry, forward head, uneven shoulders, sleep apnea, and facial, neck, and/or shoulder pain.
Adolescents experiencing breathing problems will display observable facial and body appearance and conduct, such as: lips constantly apart from mouth breathing; allergic reactions; persistent drowsiness or lethargy due to difficulty sleeping at night, snoring; a forward head; asymmetry of the body or face; and uneven shoulders. Children exhibiting mouth breathing and forward neck posture have a substantial probability of developing sleep apnea, either as a child or later as an adult. It is known that sleep apnea sufferers are much more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiac issues as well as other possible medical conditions.
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Parents - Get Help for Your Child's Airway Problems
The distortions caused in a child's dental system by airway issues are extremely detrimental to the child and have reciprocating effects. If left untreated, a child will experience increased dental maladies. Fortunately, parents can become educated regarding the signs of obstructed airways and, along with early detection by a trained dental professional, this can lead to prevention or easy, permanent treatment for airway distortion.
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