Replace Mercury Based Fillings - Dental Solutions in Saint Charles, Missouri |
Greg McPherson, DDS Has Dentistry Solutions for Dental Restorations
Mercury based fillings are an older dentistry technique that cause or mask many problems including teeth decay under the fillings, and possibility of contamination from the mercury itself. Mercury is a highly toxic metal that is extremely hazardous for one's health - mercury leaching from fillings (or just from the environment) can cause blood contamination, reduce immune system responses and even cause birth defects.
If you have amalgam silver/mercury based fillings there are many reasons to have them replaced by a skilled dentist in Saint Charles County or Saint Louis. Get the toxins out of your mouth and replace them with new fillings, or if you have decay under the mercury fillings, we have many cosmetic dentistry solutions for you and other options such as replacing your older fillings.
Schedule an Appointment to Remove Mercury Based Fillings
Call Dr. McPherson's Office in New Town Saint Charles at (636) 493-1960
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Difficulties of Silver/Mercury Based Fillings
Besides the possible toxic hazards (e.g. blood poisoning) of mercury based fillings or silver/mercury fillings, the metals themselves tend to mask more serious problems that are difficult to diagnose with X-rays.� Mercury and silver-based fillings tend to mask actual tooth decay from visible inspection or from X-rays.
A high percentage all amalgam fillings (silver and mercury) have decay under the filling. It is a common result of this older dentistry technique where the filling is held in place by mechanical retention and not a permanent seal.
There are options to have your silver or mercury based fillings replaced:
- Composite fillings put in to replace older metallic fillings - these are made of resins or plastics
- Porcelain inlays and porcelain onlays
- Crowns
- Cosmetic benefits include tight seals that limit or restrict any tooth decay, unlike metallic amalgams, composite and porcelain restorations bond and seal with the teeth
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Greg McPherson, DDS is an expert in a variety of dental techniques. Our staff can help you choose the option that best suits your particular situation. We provide painless dentistry techniques whenever possible, and we offer permanent dental solutions and cosmetic dentistry solutions to meet your specific requirements.
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Contact Greg McPherson, DDS, to Replace Mercury Based Fillings in Saint Charles!
Call Dr. McPherson's Office at (636) 493-1960